Real Men Read
Up to third grade children are learning to read. After third grade they are reading to learn.
Real Men Read is an early childhood literacy program designed to help kindergarten students learn to read. MENtors are assigned to a kindergarten classroom for the school year. They go to the classroom one time a month for five months and read to the students. They work on vocabulary, fluency, and the kids get to know a MENtor in our community who values literacy and education. Every kindergarten child receives a copy of the books to take home and read with their family.
Students are definitely giving the program a big thumbs up!
Thank you to the Wahl Charitable Trust and The Riley Children’s Foundation for supporting the 2016-2017 program.
If you would like to contribute to help sustain the program for our children please contact the Foundation. It costs $25 per child or $300 for one classroom. Your gift is tax deductible.