Your Annual Gift Changes Lives

As we approach the end of a remarkable year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your unwavering support of the Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools. Your generosity has truly made a meaningful difference in the lives of countless students and educators throughout our community.

Thanks to your dedication and commitment to our cause, lives have been changed.  Here are some highlights from last year:

  • Educator Grants: Your donations funded 48 grants that supported innovative projects and initiatives. These projects have ignited curiosity, sparked creativity, and instilled a love for learning in our classrooms. For instance, Ms. De Graaf wanted her 4th graders to learn science through gardening.  They revived the raised garden beds at Arlington Elementary and started a composting project.  Growing their own food was a first for all.   “There is power in creating opportunities for kids who have not had the benefits of these kinds of experiences in their lives; thank you for making it possible.” Ms. DeGraaf
  • School Lunches: More than 6500 lunches were purchased for students in need.
  • Scholarship Opportunities: Through your support, 40 deserving students were awarded scholarships to pursue post-secondary education. Your investment in their future is helping them achieve their dreams and ambitions.
  • Community Engagement: The Foundation has remained actively engaged with the community, to facilitate connections and support larger systemic programs.

These accomplishments and many more have been made possible through your kindness. Will you please renew your commitment to our students?  Your gift today, in any amount, is greatly needed to provide experiences and resources that make learning fun and relevant in kids' lives.  The impact of your contribution is immeasurable.

Thank you.  When you support public education, you are helping all students succeed.

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Your gift may be used to provide resources such as .....

Literacy materials and library books to help students develop reading skills and sustain grade level readiness. 

Pete the Cat

Math and Science resources to provide hands-on projects and labs.

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Arts, Health & Wellness, and more....

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Real Men Read gives five books to all kindergartners to ensure they have access to age appropriate books at home.  Check out the RMR Portal under "What We Do" tab.

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Please give today by clicking the donate button or mailing your check to FMCCS at 315 North Drive, Bloomington IN 47401.