Endowed Gifts

The Foundation maintains several endowment funds which sustain long-term support for educational projects and scholarships.  These permanent funds are invested to provide annual benefit for MCCSC students. Donations can be made to any of the following endowment funds at any time.

If you are interested in establishing an endowment that will support educational needs today and into the future please contact us at 330-7700 extension 50065 or fmccs@mccsc.edu

Jayma Acton Endowment
This fund was established in memory of Jayma Acton a long time teacher at Childs Elementary.   The fund will be used to support educational needs at Childs Elementary School.

Bloomington High School North Endowment

The endowment was built through the generosity of BHSN alumni during the school's 50th anniversary.  

Bradford Woods Campership Endowment
This fund was created by the Foundation to provide financial assistance for fifth grade students to attend the MCCSC Bradford Woods program.  Every year hundreds of children attend Bradford Woods for a unique outdoor curriculum learning experience.  The fund provides both partial and full scholarships to ensure all students are able to attend.

FMCCS General Endowment Fund
This fund is maintained to allow for the long-term support and success of the Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools. Earnings are used annually in support of the Foundation's mission to inspire learning, enrich teaching and enhance the educational development of MCCSC students.

Foundation of MCCS Library Fund
In 1999, the Foundation received a $50,000 grant from the Lily Foundation for school libraries. The Foundation qualified for this grant by raising over $25,000 from the community for this project. The $50,000 in grant funds were dispersed among 20 MCCSC libraries based upon enrollment. The $25,000 raised from the community was deposited with the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County. Earnings from this endowment fund will be periodically distributed to support libraries. Donations can be made to this fund at any time by sending a gift to the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County or the Foundation. Please designate your gift to the Foundation of MCCS Library Fund.

The Feather Connell Library Fund
This fund was originally established to help buy books and other materials for the Broadview library that would not be available through standard funding sources. The purpose of the fund, named in honor of long-time Broadview librarian Feather Connell, is to allow Broadview to establish and maintain the best library possible. Proceeds of the fund are now used to support the Summit Elementary School Library.

The Happily Ever After Fund
Recognizing that literacy is the key to a happy, prosperous future, Mary Hawkins established this fund to purchase books and other essential materials for elementary school libraries.  The endowment provides the elementary library grants each year.

Marty Humes Professional Development Fund
This fund provides staff members at Lakeview Elementary financial assistance toward professional development courses.  The fund was created in 2015 to honor the retirement of Marty Humes.

Hutton Global Grants
This fund provides support to the Foundation's annual grant program to provide support of Global Grants. The intent of the grants is to prepare students to interact and succeed in a globally interconnected and culturally diverse world; to enrich classroom curriculum across content areas to reflect a global perspective and to address global issues, ethics, and international/cultural diversity; and to educate teachers, administrators, and other school staff on the need and methodology for globalizing the school curricula.

Mental Health / SEL Endowment

This fund will support the mental health needs of students and faculty. This endowment will seek to provide a long-term source of funding to not just respond to today’s mental health needs but provide a sustainable source for the future.  Mental health and continual social emotional learning are a vital part of every students health.

Greta Simon-Mumper Endowment
This fund was established to preserve Greta's legacy and work with mild to moderate special needs children.  Annual distributions from the fund will support teacher grants to assist teachers working in classrooms for children with mild to moderate disabilities.

Stevens Music Fund
This fund was established in memory of Sarah Stevens to be used for the music curriculum in all MCCSC elementary schools.

Ziemer Student Support Endowment

This fund was established to support learning materials and resources for at-risk students to aide in times of crisis or behavioral support.

Support Our Fairview Teachers

This fund was established in 2020 by an anonymous donor to help provide motivation and incentive for the wonderful teaching team at Fairview Elementary.

The Lynn Verhagen Endowed Fund for the Childs Elementary School Library

Established in memory of Lynn Verhagen, an active parent to Childs Elementary.  Funds are used to support the Childs Elementary School Library.

Scholarship Endowments:

The Foundation administers several endowed scholarship funds to assist graduating seniors with the cost of post secondary education.  For information about each scholarship fund you may see our Scholarship tab.