Join us in raising funds to support local KIDS.  The Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools and the Kiwanis Club of South Central Indiana are teaming up to race ducks for kids.

This free event will feature:

We need your help to reach 9,000 Duck Adoptions!

Mail in your form today or join us at one our Duck Sale Days! Dates and Locations will be updated below.

Join us as a Sponsor click to learn more.

Duck Adoptions - How and Where

How to Adopt-a-Duck

  1. Duck Adoptions can be made by cash, check, debit or credit cards. (Indiana charity gaming requirements)
  2. Credit card adoptions must be in-person at one of our adoption sites.  Dates and Locations will be updated.
  3. Stop by the FMCCS office @ 315 North Drive Bloomington IN Monday-Friday to adopt or PRINT the form and mail it to FMCCS with your payment.

All adoption forms and payment must be received by April 30, 2025 at noon.

Duck adoptions cannot be made through the Donate button on this website due to Charity Gaming requirements.

Where to Adopt-a-Duck

  1. FMCCS office - Monday - Friday 9 AM to 4 PM.  Address: 315 North Drive, Bloomington IN 47401.
  2. Bloomington Hardware during business hours (CASH/CHECK only) Address: 2700 E Covenanter Dr.
  3. Ducks stops in March
    • March 25th Tri North ALPS night
    • March 26th Tri North Band Concert
    • March 27th Batchelor Orchestra Concert

If you would like to host a Duck Station please let us know.

Forms must be received in our office by April 30, 2025 at Noon.

Adoption Options:

  • Lone Duck (1) - $10
  • Quack Pack (5) - $30
  • Flock of Fun (10) - $50
  • Duck Dynasty (25) - $125


1st Place Duck Will Win $2,500

2nd - 5th Prizes will be named closer to the event

One Lucky Duck has the chance to WIN $50,000

LOGO with prize

What a Duck Can Do:

Duck 1

1 Duck can buy 3 lunches for kids in need

Duck 5

Quack Pack can provide high interest reading materials in MCCSC libraries.


Duck 10

Flock of Fun can provide playground/recess equipment.

Duck 25

Duck Dynasty can support consumable needs on the STEM to THEM lab, like filament, laser cutting supplies, etc.

The Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools enriches educational opportunities for all MCCSC students.

The Kiwanis Club of South Central Indiana dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.


Thank you to our generous sponsors. Sponsorships are still available.  Click here.





Community Cars

