Elementary Library Grants funded by the Foundation are funded through the Happily Ever After Endowment.  All MCCSC elementary schools are eligible to apply for a grant.

Fall 2024

Arlington Heights Elementary

Amazing Animal Collection - A variety of animal books to enhance the life science book collection and to support science curriculum at various grade levels.

Binford Elementary

Keeping It Current in the Binford Library - Provides current book releases to keep students excited about reading and engaged in the library.

Clear Creek Elementary

SEL Books That Increase Understanding of Ourselves and Others - Social and emotional learning (SEL) books to provide insights into our own emotions and behaviors, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.

Fairview Elementary

Helping Students Embrace the Spanish Language - High-interest and educational books to further develop students' interest and proficiency in learning the Spanish language.

Grandview Elementary

Reinvigorating Books in Our Library - Updates the school's collection with new, quality literature to inspire and engage students.

Highland Park Elementary

Building Bridges through Books - A diverse library of books written in different languages to increase literacy and foster connections among students.

Lakeview Elementary

STEM to Nature Books - Books to support Lakeview's STEM to nature approach and STEM certification.

Marlin Elementary

Growing Green Thumbs - Gardening and nature books supporting project-based learning and science curriculum.

Rogers Elementary

Enhancing Early Literacy through Thematic Picture Books Aligned with the Science of Reading - Expands the K-2 library collection with leveled books and picture books focused on the units of National Parks and Weather.

Summit Elementary

Generating a Growth Mindset - Books to teach a growth mindset, emphasizing learning from mistakes and persistence as well as empathy and understanding.

Templeton Elementary

Windows on the World: Updating the Book Collection to Celebrate the Cultures and Histories of Countries around the World - Books to learn about and celebrate other cultures and countries.

Unionville Elementary

Sewing Seeds of Learning - A collection of engaging and educational books on gardening and nature.

University Elementary

Literacy: A Universal Language -Books to expand the library's collection written in the many languages students speak at home (University has students speaking over 30 different languages).



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