For This New Year’s Eve
The Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools
invites you to join Mr. and Mrs. Page to
I’d Rather Be Reading! A Stay-At-Home Event
I’d Rather Be Reading” ticket sales will support K-12 literacy programs in the MCCSC. Your tax deductible donation will be used to change a student’s life. Funds will provide additional books and programs needed to enhance learning in all classrooms and subjects. All donations of $100 or more will receive a special New Year’s Eve Stay-At-Home kit.
Stay connected through Facebook and Twitter and be sure to sign our Interactive Blog on New Year’s Eve!
Color the Page Family, by downloading the printable E-Invite below!
[button type=”2″ color=”black” link=”https://mccsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/IRBR_coloringbook.pdf”]Download the E-Invite[/button] | [button type=”2″ color=”black” link=”http://www.kellykingdesign.com/currydevelopment.com/facebook-tabs/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/ReplyCard4x6RatherBeReadingNov28X1a.pdf”]Download the Reply Card[/button] |
Watch the video invite below and read along with us!
[box type=”2″ width=450]
The Foundation of MCCS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all or
part of your donation may be deductible as allowed by current tax law.
Bloomington South students share their reading adventures. Click to watch their video.
Friends of the Page Family
[columns sid=”columns-1323888601″ autocols=”2″]
- Randy & Linda Williamson
- Peggy Chambers
- Dr. Ken Gros Louis
- Tom & Carla Hedges
- Laura Newton
- Jane & Werner Otten
- Janet Rowland
- Dr. Judith & Dave DeMuth
- Steve Bryant
- Tom Bunger
- Don & Lisa Weiler
- Fran & Gene Weinberg
- Chuck & Krista Nelson
- John & Edith Holm
- Jeff & Legene White
- Keith Klein
- Derek & Hilda Fullerton
- Charles Davis & Debora Shaw
- Dr. Lois Sabo-Skelton, MCCSC Board of Trustees
- Sterling Real Estate
- Neal & Beth Abdullah
- Mike & Betsy Walsh
- Bill & Phyllis Perkins
- Cindy Vlasman Insurance Agency
- Sue Wanzer
- Melanie Payne
- William & Marthat Street
- Chris Gaal & Dr. Beth Florini